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Our Stories

Miami, FL

"I am a part of Affluentry Network and i love it. We are like a big family. I make $800 a week and it pays for my bills and everything that i need to pay."



Hi guys this is Jennifer andI'm from Florida. I wanted to let you know a bit about my story and how I got here.  I was pretty much on my way to unemployment when I discovered Affluentry Network.  I was working at a call center here in Florida and I really didn't like the direction my life was going.  I walked into my job and told my boss that it isn't for me. So I decided to go on Craigslist and I found Affluentry Network. At first I was very skeptical about it just like everybody is, but I was out of work at this point and needed to make money fast so I decided to go forward and get started.  Oh, and in the beginning even my own family was skeptical about it,

telling me, " Jennifer don't do it because it could be a scam." but I decided to press on and needless to say, here I am a year later. I have been working with the company full-time and I am in school part-time now as an interior designing major. I am making $800 a week and all I want to say is I only work 4 hours a day so it's been great. It pays for my bills and everything that I need to pay and I have rent, car insurance, credit cards, and car payments just like everybody else. On top of that,  I love to go shopping. It really does pay for everything. Now in my time of being here I have helped a lot of people get started. I like to tell them where I come from and show them that I am a real person. I always let them know that I have achieved all this, but in the beginning I was just like you. I was looking for something that I could do where I could work from home. 

I stress that Affluentry Network is great because here you can make up to $100 per call by just spending 20 minutes on the phone. I even signed up my sister and 2 of my good friends to help them be able to work and pay their bills and I get paid for that as well. I am a part of Affluentry Network and i love it. We have a chat room and we really help each other out. We are like a big family. I really love and enjoy working from home and I am happy to be apart of this company.

Chicago, IL


"Affluentry Network has been a phenomenal experience for me and its going to help me spend more time with my family."


Hi everybody, my name is Bryan McDonald I am from Chicago, but I am orignally out of Philadelphia. I got started with Affluentry Network and its been a phenomenal experience. Around the end of 2012, I was in the corporate world and I had a great 6 figure job but without much explanation, I was let go. That put me in a rough situation and I needed to make money fast.  Affluentry Network turned into probably the greatest thing that ever happened to me. It was a complete no brainer.  Even though I had to try some offers when I got started, it allowed me to choose which gave me confidence.


One of the first offers I tried was TransUnion. It was simple and it was free.  From there, I decided that I would go ahead and upgrade to try some of the other offers. I spent no more then $15 to upgrade which allowed me to make $100 per person. It was great and the best part is that I actually made my money back in 3 days. It was one of the easiest things I've ever done!

Montclair, NJ


"I can clearly say, in 20 years of online business i have never seen anything like this. The first day I started using the system I made $400!"


Hi everybody, this is Paul Finney. I was introduced to this business by one of my close friends.
I have never seen anything like this ever before. I have been doing business from home for over 20 years now. This was a totally new concept for me. This was like a job but it turned out to be a FUN job for me.  The best part is, it's something that can be measured daily.  I can track daily activity and income with ease. When I leared about the comissions upgrade and i saw the potential, I wanted to make as much money as i could. I figured that there were going to be more offers that i would have to do. My supervisor had given me her links and i went through them to do the offers. I think i did about 8 or 9 offers. Everything from

Disney books to Blockbuster.  Offers were not an issue to me. I actually did one of the offers and got a knife in the mail. That completly blew me away. I was actually going to give it away from Christmas, but I ended up keeping it.  There were alot of valuable name brand products that I got because of the offers.  So that was bit of a unexpected benefit that I got from the offers I did. I did pretty well my first two days. There were a couple of things I was missing and needed extra training and support so I reached out and contacted Gospel. He sent me to the Affluentry Connection Center.  Members in the chat room pointed me towards the right scripts and the training videos. The first day I started using the training site I saw vast improvements.  The very next day, and i made $400.  I was like wow, is this real?!

At that point, I became a believer.  The scripts really work and the training is amazing. I now send prospects to the presentation and then to the training to get all signed up. As i grew with the training site, i put my focus on the chat and other resources on the site. There were Weekly Training Calls  packed with penomenal information. I can clearly say, in 20 years of online business i have never seen anything like this.

Hi everybody, this is Ranjlene Pressley. I am orignally from the Fiji Islands and came to this country at the age of 15 years old. When I came here, I had trouble finding work and it was a struggle. Going to school full-time and making a living was tough.  I received my masters in Business and shortly thereafter I started my online marketing career. I tried almost everything I came across.  You name it, I probably tried it. The thing was, it really didn't work for me. I was looking for online work that I could do from home so I could take care of my 3 year old.


 I needed to find something, and fast. I looked on Craigslist and I saw an ad for a referral agent.  I was very skeptical and on top of that I saw that i had to do offers to get in. I was like this is a scam for sure.  But when i thought about it and watched the videos, it got me thinking. I told myself just one more try in the online marketing  space because I have tried everything else and time was running out. I did my first offer, Equifax. I got my 1 credit.  Then I thought to myself that this site will make me $20. I want to make way more then $20. Let me upgrade to the $80 site. I looked at it and saw that I needed to do 8 more offers. I got it done. So i got my 1 credit for the upgrade and I started to make real  money.

Miami, FL


"Life is great. I feel awesome lol. I have been consistently making $5,000 + for the last 5 months. I love Affluentry Network and everything we represent."


Here I am a year later working full time.  What really helped me was the training calls that Gospel and Ashton created. That really helped me. Those calls really helped me on my path of making $800 - $1500 a week. Now when I talk to the people I tell them that they have to keep to the script. That was my problem before. I wasn't keeping to the script. But when I actually started using the script it really helped me. Now everything started to flow the way i wanted it to flow. Being with my daughter at home is a great feeling, especially since I don't have to send her to daycare. Daycare can be very expensive here in Palm Beach, going as high as $250 a week, but now I am saving that money and making a lot more.  Just do what they say, really. Gospel and Ashton have made this marketing system work really well. It can happen for us, parents like us, who like to stay home with their kids and do whatever you want to do. I don't work on the weekends. I have not worked on the weekends for some time now. I work Mondays to Fridays thats all.  I make my money in a week so i don't worry about it on the weekend. My goal was $1500 a week and now I have been consistently making $5,000 + for the past few months.

Vancouver, WA


"This is why i love the Affluentry Network. I was recently in a bad car acciedent and didn't know what I was going to do. Now I am making money!"


Hi everyone, I am Kristi Curtus from Washington, DC. I LOVE Affluentry Network. Back in July, 2012 I was involved with my 4th auto-accident and even though they were not my fault, I lost my job. I was not able to work any more. I needed to get a job for myself to work from home. One Saturday, I remember I was so angry because I had no idea what to do. I started going through craigslist and saw a very interesting ad. It was customer service and work from home. My first thought was it must be a scam or the job wasn't even in the United States. I wondered how many hundreds of dollars this job going to cost me to get started, so I decided to call the number to speak with a LIVE person.

After an hour conversation, I decided to join and did an offer. It was TransUnion and a few others. It cost me about $12. I was ready to go. I got to work. The work is simple. All we have to do is place ads. send them to the orienatation video and thats all. The training site built by Affluentry Connection and its chat room is great!

They give training calls and everything! The support is here and they go beyond the limits!


Hi everyone, this is Martina. I am from Montgomery, Alabama. I have 2 degree's, one in Business Administration and the other in Biology Education. I started with the Affluentry Network in November. I had just recently quit a tele-marketing  job. I was unhappy selling people on products I knew didn't work, So I decided to quit the job and look for something else as soon as I can. I ran accross an ad relating to customer service jobs and I decided to sign up in an instant because of my upcoming bills . I was only making $300 bi-weekly on my previous job and that was nothing. I completed the offers and got my 1 credit to get started. I went from barely making money to consistantly making $300 to $500 a week working from home.

Montgomery, AL


"I went from bearly making money to consistantly making $300 to $500 a week and working from Home."


I don't waste money on gas or commuting anymore. I have found a solid income staying at home with Affluentry Network.

CALL 720-452-6580 TO GET STARTED!


Company Hours - 5am to 9pm PST Monday through Friday


Working Professionals can be contacted through the Affluentry Connection Center chat any time.


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